June 10-11, 2025
Industry City | Brooklyn, NY


The Latin word “convenire” means “gathering.”  At BCB Brooklyn, people from all over the world will gather to celebrate bar culture, connect with peers, and learn the latest topics and trends in the industry.

BCB Brooklyn is a trade-only event for qualified bar and beverage industry professionals. You must be 21+ and have proper ID to gain entry. Anyone under 21 will not be permitted on the premises.

Click here to register for BCB Brooklyn 2025.

Programming for in-person education is curated by an Education Selection Committee. The Committee includes the Bar Convent Global Education Director and a yearly rotating collective of industry experts representing diverse backgrounds to ensure that multiple voices and points of view contribute to the development of programming across the BCB Brooklyn platform.

Attendee badges for BCB Brooklyn will not be mailed in advance. All badges will be distributed on site upon entry to Industry City. 

Your attendee badge gives you access to all education sessions with the exception of the two VIP sessions. If you’re interested in attending those you must register for the VIP+ badge. Please know the sessions are first-come, first-serve. Be sure to arrive early to any sessions you would like to attend.

We highly recommend checking out the New Attendee Page for all tips and tricks when attending BCB Brooklyn.

You can access all of the exhibitor information you'll need on the Exhibitor Resources page.

Reed Exhibitions and BCB Brooklyn strive to create and maintain an environment where all people are treated with dignity, decency and respect. Learn more here.

The safety and security of our staff, exhibitors and attendees is our priority. We work closely with the venue, corporate security, state, local and federal law enforcement authorities to identify risks, assess them and develop security plans for our events.

We have established a security room at our shows to ensure effective communication and response.

Everyone attending the Show should be aware of the following security measures:

  • Security will be onsite at all times to assist you during all aspects of the Show
  • Everyone must wear their Show badge at all times. This includes exhibitors, vendors, attendees, guests (speakers, talent, artists), professionals, press, staff, and crew.
  • A fully operational security team following our vetted procedures is in place at the Show
  • Bag checks may occur at the Show
  • Walkthrough or hand held scanners may be used at the Show
  • Any CCTV in operation at the Show is monitored and recorded
  • Uniformed and undercover security may be in attendance at the Show
  • Uniformed and undercover Police may be in attendance at the Show
  • Canine Security and Detection may be used in or around the Show
  • Keep personal property with you at all times and do not leave any items unattended  
  • If you see something, say something.  Report anything that looks unusual, suspicious, or out of place to Show staff or security immediately
  • Remain patient and courteous during security checks and follow the instructions of Show staff and security at all times
  • Properly dispose of your Show badge inside the venue or keep it as a souvenir – please do not sell it to scalpers or throw it away in trash cans outside the venue where it could be picked up
  • Carry a valid form of photo ID at all times

If you have additional questions not listed above, please contact Customer Service at +1 800-346-8372 or (203)-840-5618 or by email at Contact Customer Service.


New York City is committed to ensuring accessibility for everyone with special needs, and has equipped all buses with lifts for those in wheelchairs and those who have difficulty climbing stairs. In addition, many subway stations include elevators, ramps, visual display signs, accessible public telephones and tactile and audio features on vending machines. Subways also have automated voices indicating stops, and all buses and select subway stations are wheelchair accessible. Many street-hail taxicabs accommodate wheelchairs. To request a wheel chair accessible taxi, call the accessible dispatch center at +1.646.599.9999; text a request to +1.646.400.0789; book online ; or download the free mobile app “NYC Accessible Dispatch” at the Apple or Android store. Passengers with disabilities are eligible for reduced fares on most mass-transit trips. For more information about NYC accessibility, call +1.212.NEW.YORK (639.9675) from outside the City or 311 while in town; contact the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (+1.212.788.2830, TTY: +1.212.504.4115, nyc.gov/mopd); or visit NYC & Company’s accessibility section.